Yachay Tech University
The professional in Chemistry has training in organic chemistry, inorganic, physicochemical, theoretical chemistry, and analytical chemistry, including the handling of advanced techniques of synthesis, characterization, and analysis. In the field of work, the professional in Chemistry will have the necessary skills to participate in research groups that promote innovation and technological development in chemical-pharmaceutical products, chemistry for nanotechnology, and electronic hardware, green chemistry, among others.
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Material sciences engineering
Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry stand-alone course, Student Chapter/Club Activities and/or Outreach
1) ACS Student Chapter Club de Química-Yachay Tech,
2) tthibault@yachaytech.edu.ec
3) https://www.instagram.com/acs_clubdequimicayt/
- Participate in webinars and conferences;
- Look for ways to participate in community outreach.
- Promote green chemistry activities between faculty and students.