University of Bath
The University of Bath is fully committed to Sustainability which has been identified as one of its three core areas of focus for Research and is consequently largely embedded in its Teaching. Specifically, the Department of Chemistry, which has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and innovation, offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including PhD programmes in sustainable chemical technologies in the inter-disciplinary Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies. These undergraduate and postgraduate courses already cover substantial elements of the Green Chemistry principles which will be fully embedded within the core material of the chemistry programmes once curriculum transformation has happened.
BSc and MChem Chemistry
BSc and MChem Chemistry for Drug Discovery
BSc and MSci Chemistry with Management
Ph.D. Chemistry
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Student Research.
Embed green chemistry and sustainability in the curriculum.
General RSC and ASC resources.