Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology is a private, STEM-focused college in Terre Haute, IN. Currently, the department actively engages science, math, and engineering majors with Green Chemistry concepts in organic chemistry classes, labs, and in faculty-led research experiences. The department continues to engage those majoring in the molecular sciences with standalone Green Chemistry and Toxicology courses. The department has plans to further incorporate Green Chemistry more formally into the Introduction to Research course and in outreach activities.
Chemistry B.S., Chemistry M.S.
Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry stand-alone course, Stand-alone Toxicology course, Embedded Toxicology in existing course(s), Faculty Research, Student Research.
Alpha Chi Sigma:
• Formally incorporate Green Chemistry into our Introduction to Research course.
• Further incorporate Green Chemistry into organic chemistry courses.
• Increase number of Green Chemistry seminars to include at least one per year.
• Formally incorporate Green Chemistry in outreach activities.
• Invite student groups to incorporate Green Chemistry into COW (Chemistry on Wheels) demonstration events.