Leuphana Universität

– Leuphana Universitity Lüneburg
Leuphana emerged from the special legal mandate of the Lower Saxony state parliament to rethink university and create a model university for the Bologna Process. It is supported by a foundation under public law and sees itself as a place for free thirst for knowledge, imagination, personal development and social commitment. For its studies, it has developed a multi-award-winning study model with three schools, which is still unique in Germany today. Five faculties are the sponsors of transdisciplinary science initiatives, the Leuphana’s research priorities in the fields of education, culture, sustainability, management and entrepreneurship, and public affairs.
The Leuphana College offers a Bachelor’s programme within the framework of a uniform, interdisciplinary study model for students who want to work independently and responsibly and are not satisfied with specialist knowledge alone. The Leuphana Semester, the complementary study programme, a major and minor, a first academic conference after the first semester and a starting week characterise the study programme. In the Individual Study Program, students even have the opportunity to choose from all of the university’s offerings and completely customize their study focus.
The Graduate School offers Master’s programs in six thematic fields – Culture, Education, Governance & Law, Management, Psychology and Sustainability – with various specialization options. The study model of the Graduate School opens up special opportunities for Master students: Master’s and doctoral degrees can be directly linked in the Graduate School.
The Leuphana Professional School offers further education bachelor and master programs as well as certificates and thus provides optimal conditions for lifelong learning. It is aimed at professionals, self-employed persons and managers who wish to gain further qualifications at different times of their professional life and who want to strengthen and develop their personal potential. The Professional School is one of the largest continuing education centers at public German universities.
Chemistry Associate in Science (A.S.), Chemistry Master of Science (M.S.), Environmental Sciences (General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry)
General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Embedded Toxicology in existing course(s), Faculty Research, Student Research, New Master Program starting in 2025
It is planned in the future
First, implementing green chemistry principles in our lectures and especially in our teaching laboratories (also via digitalisation)
Gomes, C.J.C.; Zuin-Zeidler, V.G., Sustain. Chem. 2023, 4, 272-281.
Zuin et al., Green Chemistry 2020, 23(4):1594-1608.
Gomes, C.J.C.; Zuin V.G., Integrating Green and Sustainable Chemistry into Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories, In. Chemistry Education for a Sustainable Society Volume 1: High School, Outreach, & Global Perspectives (ACS), Chapter 8. pp 97-110, 2020.
Zuin et al., J. Chem. Educ., 2019, 96, 12, 2975-2983.
Zuin, V.G.; Mammino, L., Worldwide Trends in Green Chemistry Education (RSC), 329p., 2015.