JECRC University, Jaipur

The Department of Chemistry at JECRC University, Jaipur has been teaching a stand alone course named Green Chemistry at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD programmes of Chemistry in regular curriculum and as an open elective since 2012. In addition, ‘Principals and concepts of Green Chemistry’ titled unit is a part of Engineering Chemistry course for Bachelor of Technology programme. The principles are also discussed and emphasised during all chemistry lectures, discussions, laboratory courses and in research activities. A course of toxicology is run by the Department of Forensic.
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemistry Master of Science (M.S.), Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.),
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Green Chemistry stand-alone course, Stand-alone Toxicology course, Embedded Toxicology in existing course(s), Faculty Research, Student Research
Yet to be formed.
1. To start a degree programme ‘Green Chemistry Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)’
2. Formation of Student Chapter and a student led-Club
3. Collaborate with GCC signing institutions
4. Outreach activities for high school students, small industries and research laboratories.
5. Continue conducting green and sustainable chemistry oriented seminars/ webinars and conferences
1. Organic synthesis in water, Paul A. Grieco Blackie.
2. Anastas, P. T.; Warner, J. C. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice; Oxford University Press, Inc.: New York, NY, 1998; pp 30.
3. New Trends in Green Chemistry,V.K. Ahluwalia and M.Kidwai.
4. Green Chemistry For Sustainability, Sanjay K. Sharma and A.Mudhoo, CRC Taylor & Francis,. USA
5. Lancaster, M. Green chemistry; An Introductory Text; the Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 2002.
6. Green Corrosion Chemistry & Engineering, Sanjay K. Sharma, Wiley Publications, UK
Recent research publications, review articles published focused on green and sustainable chemistry.