Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

As early as 2005, HU committed itself to the protection of natural resources in its environmental guideline. Since then, students and employees have been committed to sustainability and climate protection at the HU Berlin. Various committees are active in this regard, such as the Sustainability Office, the Climate Protection Management Team, and the student thematic class “Sustainability & Global Justice”. The overarching goal is a climate-neutral university by 2030.
As part of this university-wide mission, the Institute of Chemistry intends to develop new curricula to integrate the principles of Green Chemistry into educational courses. Our institute has a thriving environment for green chemistry research, with research groups developing new photocatalysts, biocatalytic methods, organic materials, and more, to produce chemicals and materials sustainably.
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemistry Master of Science (M.S.), Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Master of Education
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Faculty Research, GreenCHEM
1) Fachschaft Chemie HU Berlin
Creating a stand-alone green chemistry, implementing green chemistry principles within existing curriculum, implementing green chemistry within our teaching labs
Beyond Benign resources, GCTLC platform