Harvey Mudd College
The Department of Chemistry at Harvey Mudd College is consistently ranked as one of the top undergraduate chemistry programs in the nation. The chemistry curriculum is recognized for its unique program of study that builds on the broad, technical foundation that is acquired through the three-semester College-wide Core curriculum. With coursework in all major areas of chemistry coupled with courses in mathematics, physics, biology, engineering, and computer science, this unique program of study prepares students for professions in both traditional chemistry areas as well as cutting-edge interdisciplinary fields. Our laboratory curriculum gives students extensive hands-on experience with modern, sophisticated instrumentation and computation and features inquiry-driven open-ended experiments that emphasize the process of discovery.
Chemistry B.S., Joint Chemistry-Biology B.S.
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Faculty Research, Student Research, Climate Change (stand-alone course)
• Implementing green chemistry in our general and organic chemistry courses and teaching labs
• Incorporating green chemistry into new and existing research projects
• Developing and publishing new green chemistry experiments
Green Organic Chemistry: Strategies, Tools, and Laboratory Experiments, Kenneth Doxsee and James Hutchison.
CHEM21 Selection Guide of Classical and Less-Classical Solvents, Denis Prat et al., Green Chem. 2016, 18, 288-296.
A Guide to Green Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Labs, Beyond Benign.