Federal University of Goiás – UFG
Faculty members at the Institute of Chemistry (IQ) – Federal University of Goiás (UFG) are fully committed to the principles of green chemistry and development of sustainable processes. At IQ-UFG the graduation curriculum contains several topics of sustainable chemistry both in theoretical as well as in practical courses. While at the post-graduation level, there are specific disciplines on green and sustainable chemistry. Students of all levels (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate) have opportunities to get involved in diverse research projects involving green chemistry.
Chemistry B.S., Chemistry M.S., Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemical engineering.
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Green Chemistry stand-alone course, Faculty Research, Student Research, Student Chapter/Club Activities and/or Outreach.
In short term, creating a stand-alone green chemistry course at the graduation level. The long term goal is to start a green chemistry centre with the degree program.
Scientific Journals: Green Chemistry; Trends in Green Chemistry; Energy and Environmental Science; Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems; ChemSusChem; Environmental Science and Technology; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Chemical Engineering Journal; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering; Environmental Chemistry; Biodegradation; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry; Environmental Geochemistry and Health; Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology; Environmental Chemistry Letters
Books: P. Anastas, J. C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, 2020, Oxford University Press; V. K. Ahluwalia, Green Chemistry: Environmentally Benign Reactions, 3rd ed. 2021 Edition, Springer; M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text, 3. Edition 2020, Royal Society of Chemistry
Electronic Media having green chemistry: Contents from Youtube, Podcasts, Webinars.