Concordia University
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Concordia has been implementing Green Chemistry into our curriculum through teaching and research since 2009. We developed a Chem 498/640 (cross-listed undergraduate/graduate) course on the topic of Green Chemistry, which has been taught since 2019. We have also implemented a brief introduction to Green Chemistry in our General Chemistry class, and some additional information about Green Chemistry in some of our organic and analytical classes.
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemistry Master of Science (M.S.), Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Green Chemistry stand-alone course, Faculty Research, Student Research
n/a – right now just a Concordia Liaison to Green Chemistry McGill, and a Concordia student rep on the Centre for Green Chemistry and Catalysis (FRQNT Centre)
Our short-to-medium term goals are to evaluate our undergraduate teaching laboratories and to add more green chemistry into our curriculum through those teaching labs.
Green Chemistry, Theory and Practice. Paul T. Anastas, John C. Warner, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Green Chemistry, An Inclusive Approach. Béla Török, Timothy Dransfield (Eds). Elsevier, 2018.
And we also use the Green Chemistry Challenge Winners as current examples of Green Chemistry research: