Claremont McKenna College

The Keck Science Department serves Scripps, Pitzer, and Claremont McKenna Colleges and emphasizes green chemistry throughout the chemistry curriculum. Starting with general chemistry, green chemistry is introduced in the laboratory. This is continued in organic chemistry, including opportunities for majors to contribute to green chemistry research. Chemical toxicology is covered in one of our advanced laboratory courses. We also have a stand-alone upper-division environmental chemistry class offering. Many of our faculty members have projects related to green chemistry in their research programs, where students can receive training, write theses, and publish journal articles. We are committed to offering a program where every graduate receives a solid foundation in green chemistry.
Chemistry B.A.
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Embedded Toxicology in existing course(s), Faculty Research, Student Research
Keck Science Chemistry Club
Implement green chemistry throughout the curriculum so our chemistry graduates have a good understanding of and can apply the learning goals of the Green Chemistry Commitment.
Open-Access Life Cycle Assessments: ExceLCA for Undergraduate Scholars. Silverman, J. University of Kansas Libraries: Lawrence, KS, 2017.
Introduction to Life Cycles, Contributed by Lucian Lucia on Chemistry LibreTexts.
Spiro, T.G., Purvis-Roberts, K. L. and Stigliani, W. M. Chemistry of the Environment, 3rd Edition. Herndon, VA: University Science Books, August 2011.
Manahan, S. E. Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments of Sustainability, 2nd Edition; ChemChar Research, Inc: Columbia, MO, 2006; pp 1–2.