Vancouver Island University
Sustainability and the environment are well aligned with Vancouver Island University’s Vision Statement and Strategic Research Plan. Green chemistry became part of the VIU chemistry department’s vision several years ago. The introductory and organic chemistry undergraduate experiments were overhauled to reduce hazardous substances, waste, and energy consumption. Subsequently, green chemistry principles were integrated throughout the second-year organic chemistry curriculum and a combined Green Chemistry and Toxicology course was developed. Additionally, the department offers four environmentally-basedchemistry courses and is home to the nationally funded Applied Environmental Research Laboratory (AERL). Faculty and students at VIU promote green chemistry in education by organizing workshops for secondary and post-secondary instructors, both locally and internationally. They are also involved in a public outreach program, Awareness of Climate change through Education and Research (ACER), for high school students and members of the general public. We currently offer a Minor in chemistry and are presently developing a Major in which green chemistry will become an integral part of curriculum.
General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Stand-Alone Green Chemistry; Environmental chemistry; Stand-Alone Toxicology; Chemistry education; Research
- Collaboration with other GCC signers
- Participate in the Toxicology Working Group