University of Toledo
The School of Green Chemistry and Engineering at the University of Toledo incorporates principles of green chemistry and green engineering throughout the undergraduate and graduate chemistry and chemical engineering curriculum. This is accomplished by embedding green chemistry principles in general chemistry and organic chemistry lectures and labs, in upper level undergraduate courses, and in design experiences starting from the first semester of the freshman year – chemical engineering freshmen formulated “Greener Cleaners” and evaluated their cleaning efficacy. The University of Toledo offers numerous specialized courses, including Green Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment, Biofuels, Green Engineering Principles for Chemical Processes, and Green Engineering Applications in Chemical Industries. The green chemical engineering courses are available to science students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The green chemistry and environmental chemistry courses are available online. The University of Toledo also offers the only Professional Science Master’s Degree in Green Chemistry and Engineering in the U.S.
BA; BS; MS; Ph.D.
General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Stand-Alone Green chemistry; Environmental chemistry; Chemistry Education, Research
- Develop an Environmental Chemistry Online Degree Program
- Create a Green Chemistry & Engineering minor
- Hosting a Beyond Benign Green Chemistry Workshop for Chemistry Education Teachers
- Finding suitable textbooks for toxicology
- Participate in the Toxicology Working Group
- Find ways to motivate faculty to be more involved in a research heavy department