Prof. Dr. Dr. Vania G. Zuin Zeidler is Full Professor at the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana University (Germany), Visiting Professor at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, University of York (UK), and Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil), where she coordinates the Green Chemistry, Sustainability and Education Research Group (GPQV). She is also Founding Director of the Field & Food Tech Hub (UFSCar), a multi-sector platform that promotes healthy and ethical living through green and sustainable products and processes. Her background is in Analytical Green and Sustainable Chemistry and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education. Her major interests cover the development of analytical methods that are incipient to determine bioactive high-value organic compounds and renewable materials extracted from agro-industrial residues, as well as food processing systems, polymeric materials and bio-circularity, focusing on separation science. Moreover, her research focuses on developing and disseminating Green Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry educational materials and courses for Higher Education.
Having vast experience and a strong educational background, Professor Zuin works hard to advance diversity and inclusion in our field, especially in emerging economies and regions under economic and political constraints. For more than 20 years she has been working to build up concepts and apply greener and more sustainable materials and technologies all over the world, leading / co-leading projects supported by agencies such as the Newton Fund, Fapesp, Capes, CNPq, Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) and Robert Bosch Foundations. She has been acting as member of committees and consultant of Brazilian and international institutions, e.g., ISC3, UN, UNESCO, UNIDO, UN Environment, IUPAC, Beyond Benign, GCN, G2C2, Green-Chem, ACS, RSC, Brazilian Chemical Society, being in the last one responsible for the creation of the Green Chemistry Section.
Prof. Zuin Zeidler is author of many impacting and seminal publications (e.g, Science, Nature Reviews Chemistry, Nature Reviews Materials, ACS book series) and has been invited to give several plenary and keynote lectures, e.g., European Parliament; ACS National Meetings; Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conferences; RSC Faraday Discussion; IUPAC World Chemistry Congress and International Conference on Green Chemistry; SBQ Annual Meeting; International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries; China International Conference on Sustainable Technology & Development; SENAI; EuChemS-DAC Sample Preparation. Her recent distinctions include the 52o and 57o National Literary Jabuti Bronze and Gold Awards (Brazilian Chamber of Book), title of Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of York, the IUPAC 2014 CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green Chemistry, the title of Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), the ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education, and Fellow of the Robert Bosch and AvH Foundations.