Dr. Leontyev received a Ph.D. in chemistry education from the University of Northern Colorado in 2015. After completing graduate school, he was an assistant professor at Adams State University until 2018 where he taught a variety of chemistry and general education classes. Following his passion for research and work with graduate students, Dr. Leontyev transitioned to the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at North Dakota State University in 2018, where he is currently an assistant professor. His research areas are assessment practices in organic and green chemistry education and meta-analyses of various instructional innovations. At NDSU, Dr. Leontyev regularly teaches large enrollment organic chemistry classes and coordinate organic labs, where he implements green chemistry experiments and student-generated instructional materials (such as infographics and student-generated videos on green chemistry). He is a member of the OrganicERs leadership board, an NSF-funded community of practice advocating for evidence-based practices in teaching organic chemistry. Dr. Leontyev is also a co-director of the Green Chemistry REU site at NDSU and assessment consultant for Green & Sustainable Chemistry Education Module Development Project.
Leontyev, Dr. Alexey

Dr. Alexey Leontyev
North Dakota State UniversityContact