Our certified Lead Teachers Cassandra Knutson and Cassidy Javner, together with Jane Wissinger from the University of Minnesota (one of our Green Chemistry Commitment Signing Institutions) have just published a chapter in the eBook Chemistry Education for a Sustainable Society Volume 1: High School, Outreach, & Global Perspectives, by ACS Symposium Series. In the chapter Designing Impactful Green and Sustainable Chemistry Workshops for High School Teachers, Cassandra, Cassidy, and Jane describe the design and implementation of a three-day workshop with the goals of training and supporting high school teachers to incorporate Green and Sustainable Chemistry into their classrooms. To read the eBook, please access: https://pubs.acs.org/isbn/9780841237551
Designing Impactful Green and Sustainable Chemistry Workshops for High School Teachers
Categories: Green Chemistry Education, Higher-Ed, K-12