Beyond Benign is excited to announce Georgia Row of Innovation Academy Charter School as the 2021 Sustainable STEM Innovation Award Winner! This scholarship was created in the spirit of Missy Spera, Class of 2018, who had planned to become a Green Chemist. Recipients of this award demonstrate a passion for science, engagement with their community, interest in improving environmental health, commitment to understanding the science behind issues and are know for taking advantage of learning opportunities. Georgia was acknowledged for these characteristics at the Awards Night where previous winners Hannah George (’20) and Abbie Lyna (’19) delivered the following speech in her honor:
Hi, I’m Hannah George of the class of 2020 and I’m class of 2019’s Abbie Lyna. We are past recipients of the Sustainable STEM Innovation Award, a scholarship set up to celebrate Missy Spera and her empathy, her drive, and enthusiasm for the environment and green chemistry. With the help of Beyond Benign, an impressive science education organization, we hope to honor Missy by awarding a student from the class of 2021 who represents these ideals.
This student is passionate about science, but about nature especially. Their commitment and love of seeking knowledge is exceptional, both in and outside of the classroom. They are dedicated to helping their peers, be it through tutoring, as a lab aide, making tea for a classmate, or presenting captivating projects about vegetables. I personally got to see this student’s enthusiasm and hard work during the 2019 Magic in the Lab event, a night where friends and family gathered together to produce Missy’s recipe for eco-friendly skincare products. They really are a Cool Kid™
We are grateful to present this year’s Sustainable STEM Innovation Award to Georgia Row.