Lecture 13 – Real-World Cases in Green Chemistry
In this class students will learn about successful Green Chemistry technologies that have been awarded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Students will have the opportunity to research previous winners and discuss with their fellow classmates.
Lesson download includes:
Lesson Plan 13: Real-World Cases in Green Chemistry
PowerPoint Presentation 13: Real-World Cases in Green Chemistry
Content Preview: What are the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards? PGCCA Case Studies:
2016: Newlight Technologies, AirCarbon: Greenhouse Gas Transformed into High-Performance Thermoplastic
2012: Buckman International, Inc.: Enzymes Reduce the Energy and Wood Fiber Required to Manufacture High-Quality Paper and Paperboard
2011: Professor Bruce H. Lipshutz, Towards Ending Our Dependence on Organic Solvents
2008: SiGNa Chemistry, Inc.: New Stabilized Alkali Metals for Safer, Sustainable Syntheses
2005: Archer Daniels Midland and Novozymes, NovaLipidTM: Low Trans Fats and Oils Produced by Enzymatic Interesterification of Vegetable Oils Using Lipozyme®
2002: Pfizer re-design of Sertraline (ZOLOFT®)
1996: Dow Chemical Company Designing an Environmentally Safe Marine Antifoulant
Class Activity and Materials: Real-World Cases
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