How did you connect with Beyond Benign?
I first heard about Beyond Benign from a local chemistry professor who convinced me to seek them out at BCCE 2018 at Notre Dame. I went to a few Green Chemistry sessions and was hooked.
What first drew you into teaching and science education?
I decided in high school that I wanted to be a science teacher because of a love for the outdoors and helping others. I was inspired by people like my science teachers and summer camp counselors. Ironically, my parents were both teachers and I said I never wanted to be one, but here I am!
What excites you most about teaching green chemistry?
Green Chemistry gives me the ability to give a context for my content that is relevant to my rural students since they are usually already environmentally conscious. I’m also able to use Green Chem to show my students that chemists are inventors, problem-solvers, and molecular engineers. Side effects of Green Chem include, but are not limited to: my lab becoming inherently safer, my students enjoying chemistry more, and saving time on disposal considerations.